Let's begin to thrive!

How long are sessions? All sessions are 90 minutes.
Where are sessions held? We have two locations where our sessions are held depending on preference and availability. Sessions are either held in a beautiful, calming and private space within The Barns Centre - Thame OR within a beautiful Mongolian Yurt located on Lopemede Farm - Thame, surrounded by an abundance of green space and nature.
Why dont you offer one-off sessions? I do not believe in 'quick fixes' especially when it comes to self transformation. In my opinion, the most effective way to create long lasting change is to take consistent, conscious action over a period of time. Your brain needs time to reprogramme and your nervous system needs to feel safe whilst you are challenging old ways of thinking, feeling and behaving - this can only be done if we allow ourselves the time and space to grow.
Do I have to have physical symptoms? You do not need to be suffering with physical symptoms to have coaching. Chronic stress & unalignment effects everyone differently and the body manifests stress in a whole variety of ways. Whether you suffer with physical symptoms as a result of chronic stress/unalignment or not, you can still enroll on one of my packages.
How is coaching different to counselling? Whilst there are some cross overs, coaching tends to be action orientated, progressive and goal focused. Within coaching, it may be necessary to go back into your past to understand how different experiences may have contributed to the way you think, feel and act today, HOWEVER, we do not stay in the past or analyse it, we simply take the information we need in order to move us forward.
I dont know if I need to see a coach or a counsellor? Because I am not a qualified mental health specialist, therapist or counsellor, I am unable to diagnose or treat mental health conditions such as anxiety, trauma, depression, OCD etc. If you feel as though you have any unresolved trauma or experiences within your life that you would like support with in order to fully process, or if your mental health has a significant impact on your day to day functioning - I would highly recommend seeking the help of a trained mental health professional prior to enrolling in one of my coaching packages.
Will I have support in between sessions? Yes. I will always check in with you prior to our next session to see how you are getting on and if you need any help or guidance. This can be in the form of message, email or voicenote depending on your preference. You are always encouraged to reach out to me in between our weekly sessions should you need any support.
What is the difference between the packages? The Alignment Package is a fully comprehensive 12-week programme that will enable you to start to show up in the world as your most true, authentic self as you begin to live a life of alignment. The Kick-start package is a 6 week programme for those who feel as though they need some assistance with getting 'back on track' whilst becoming equipped with awareness, tools and knowledge that will allow them to embark on their self-discovery journey.
What do you expect from me? Commitment, dedication and complete engagement throughout the entirety of the coaching process. It goes without saying that I cannot do the work for you, I'm simply here to guide you on your unique path, but you are the only person who is responsible for the results you wish to see in your life - what a beautiful thing it is to be your own hero!
Do I get anything for referring a friend? If you are taking or have taken one of my 6 or 12 week programmes and kindly refer a friend who successfully enrolls in either programme - you will receive a complimentary FOC 90 minute 1-1 coaching session that you are free to use within the next 12 months. Simply ask your friend to state your name on booking and I will send you your voucher!
What if I need further support after I have finished my programme? Healing doesn't have an end destination. We are forever growing, changing and experiencing all of lifes different eras. If you have successfully completed one of my programmes and wish for further support down the road, you are able to book ad-hoc, one-off sessions for the cost of £90.
How do I pay for my package? For the Kick-start package you would pay via BACS as a one-off payment of £597 prior to booking your initial session. ForThe Alignment Package you are able to pay via BACS in a one-off payment of £1097 or alternatively make use of a 3 month payment plan (3 x £365.67 - Total of £1097.01) The first payment of £365.67 would need to be paid prior to booking your initial session.
Do I get to speak to you before I go ahead with a package? Yes! I offer a FREE 15 minute call to answer any questions you may have and to discuss whether wellbeing coaching may be for you. Simply drop us an email to arrange.
Do you see children? Unfortunately not. I offer 1-1 coaching to those 21yrs and above.
Do you offer online coaching? Yes. I offer both of my signature transformation packages either in-person or online via zoom at a reduced rate.